In the frame of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Medinea launches its outreach programme aiming at assisting the emerging artists to develop and carry an outreach project. A call for proposals was addressed to Medinea’s artists community.

The projects are all musical, addressing a clearly identified audience (often with little access to music), conceived in collaboration with a local structure from the artist’s residential area (schools, associations, social institutions, hospitals, prisons etc.), and linked with the theme « Heritage and Creation ».

9 projects have been selected for the label 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage and will take place from 15 September till 31 December 2018 :

The Exchange, by Ozan Baysal (Turkey)
At the heart of music, by Sophie Chabert (France)
Essences musicales, by Etienne Fauré (France)
Jessr / The Bridge, by Ghazi Khanchouch (Tunisia)
Le Bric à Brac Musical, by Thomas Lestrelin (France)
Madaniyat, by Anwar Saidi (Morocco)
Piano master class with double bass : initiation to improviation without music theory, by Leïla Soldevila and Pascal Neveu (France)
Voice in prison, by Sarah Théry (Belgium)

Stay tuned to follow the development of the projects!




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The Medinea Network is definitely joining forces with the Cooperation Network of the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée.
Read more about the Cooperation Network


Please visit the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée platforms for more information and updates, as well as all the Medinea series and Medinea On Air videos.