Medinea On Air
12 - 15 April
Medinea On Air session 1
Country: Turkey
E. Şirin Özgün is a sociologist and ethnomusicologist. Her areas of research include soundscapes, political sounds, gender, and Yörük soundworlds. Her fieldwork on traditional drummer women in Anatolia documented the tradition’s connection to ancient ritual practices in the Mediterranean region. Between 2009 and 2012, she conducted intensive fieldwork on the political sounds in the streets of Istanbul and documented how sonic practices are distributed and shared among diverse ideological camps. She also led a research team on Yörük musics and soundworlds in Southern Anatolia, where she examined the sonic and musical characteristics of this Mediterranean culture. Since 2014 she has worked as the vice director of MIAM. She teaches classes on ethnomusicological theory; sound studies; music and gender; music, politics and ideology; and music cultures of the world. She is co-investigator of Transtraditional Istanbul, a project supported by the AHRC and the Istanbul Development Agency
The Medinea Network is definitely joining forces with the Cooperation Network of the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée.
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