Medinea session
5-21 July, 2018
Aix-en-Provence session
The Philharmonie de Paris offers workshops and conferences around the professionalization – Professional project, communication tools, legal, artistic mediation … – it organizes meetings and information days about the musical professions and professional life. Christiane Louis, working at the Philharmonie de Paris, came within the Festival d’Aix Academy to lead several workshops with the musicians of the intercultural creation session.
The knowledge of the professional reality and socio-economic environment, coupled with the technical and artistic skills, gives to each musician the tools to start a career. These workshops transmit concrete keys to promote an artistic project through communication tools, understand the logic of cultural funding, networking; a first step in the development of their professional project and the opportunity to acquire organizational and communication skills and a better understanding of the socio-economic issues specific to the cultural sector.
Photo credit: Julien Daniel