Medinea On Air

Medinea On Air is a European Union Erasmus+ funded programme that unites six partners from the Mediterranean region. The project aims to provide specific preparation for classical musicians and improvisers who wish to audition for the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra’s symphonic and Medinea Sessions; and more broadly, to enrich young musicians’ musical training. Therefore, in addition to Audition and Competition Preparation, the programme provides three other modules: Digital TechnologyCareer Development and Human, Social and Entrepreneurial Skills and Aesthetics, Cultures, Identities and Artistic Encounters.

Instant Collective Creation

The examples provided in these modules are extracts from the Medinea sessions which take place in several different cities around the Mediterranean. This unique experience of collective composition sparks passionate insights and discussions and through these videos, we offer you an insight into certain aspects that are in direct relation with the need to create communal spaces for expression. Fabrizio Cassol, musical director of the Medinea sessions and pedagogical responsible for the series will be our guide in this journey. Through the different sessions and the guests artists he invited, Fabrizio Cassol shares his own particular approach on collective creation. Each module will raise young artists’ awareness of collective creation through a specific hook.

Professional Development for Artists

The series aims to provide a toolkit for young artists, giving them essential keys to kick start their musical career: activating your network, implementing an outreach action, communicating on social media or preparing your promotional toolkit are some of the subjects discussed in the videos. Our speaker Christiane Louis, Head of Career Development Unit at the Philharmonie de Paris, join the Medinea sessions to coach the musicians on career development on site while we document her advice for the greatest number!

Monday Vibes

Every Monday, we share some good vibes: a short soundtrack from the previous Medinea sessions that reveals the large range of collective compositions that the Medinea musicians are creating during these intercultural creation sessions


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The Medinea Network is definitely joining forces with the Cooperation Network of the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée.
Read more about the Cooperation Network


Please visit the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée platforms for more information and updates, as well as all the Medinea series and Medinea On Air videos.