During this session, emphasis is placed on preparation for the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra’s auditions (March–November each year), both musically and technically. A technological section presents tools to create videos and sound recordings, as well as solutions to rehearse together while in different parts of the world. The following section, devoted to professional skills, gives keys to deal with outreach projects. A cultural section tackles Middle Eastern and Balkan music, and their appropriation by jazz musicians questioning more generally what is the Mediterranean Identity.


Friday 09 December:
02 PM* UTC: Keys to build your artistic outreach workshop |
Career Development and Human, Social and Entrepreneurial Skills and Aesthetics
Speakers: Violaine Fournier | Mark Withers
Proposed by the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra and the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence.

Monday 12 December:
03 PM*UTC: Home recording for performers | Digital Technology
Speakers: Oğuz Öz | Laçin Şahin
Proposed by Istanbul Technical University MIAM.

Tuesday 13 December:
02 PM*UTC: Audition’s strategy |
Audition and Competition Preparation
Speaker: Quentin Hindley
Proposed by the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra and the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence.

Wednesday 14 December:
From 01:30 PM* to 03:30 PM*: Online Musical Collaboration |
Digital Technology
01:30 PM*UTC: 1/3 – Introduction to the World of Online Musical Collaboration
02:30 PM*UTC: 2/3 – Online Collaboration Solutions
03:30 PM*UTC: 3/3 – Practical Examples and the Future
Speakers: Max Erwin | Mario Frendo | Joseph Marshall
Proposed by ARC Research & Consultancy and supported by L-Università ta’ Malta – School Of Performing Arts

Thursday 15 December:
1:00 PM*UTC: Middle Eastern music traditions and jazz | Aesthetics, Cultures, Identities and Artistic Encounters

2:00 PM*UTC: Balkanic music traditions and jazz | Aesthetics, Cultures, Identities and Artistic Encounters
Speaker: Enrico Merlin
Proposed by Ente Musicale di Nuoro

If you have any questions about the Medinea on Air programme or any issue registering, please consult the Q&A section or contact us at medineaonair@medinea-community.com.

Medinea On Air is a European Union Erasmus+ funded programme that unites six partners from the Mediterranean region: the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence (France), the Ente Musicale di Nuoro (Italy), ARC Research and Consultancy (Malta), the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (Portugal), the University of Ljubljana – Academy of Music (Slovenia), and the Istanbul Technical University (Turkey).

Medinea On Air aims to provide specific preparation for classical musicians and improvisers who wish to audition for the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra’s symphonic and Medinea Sessions; and more broadly, to enrich young musicians’ musical training. Therefore, in addition to “Audition and Competition Preparation”, the Medinea On Air programme provides three other modules: “Digital Technology”, “Career Development and Human, Social and Entrepreneurial Skills” and “Aesthetics, Cultures, Identities and Artistic Encounters”.

4 broadcasting sessions are scheduled over a year with 38 live interactive webinars giving the floor to renowned artists and high-qualified pedagogues. They are free and open to all upon registration and will last about 40 minutes each.

*All times are given in UTC. To know the broadcast time of your place of residence click HERE 


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The Medinea Network is definitely joining forces with the Cooperation Network of the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée.
Read more about the Cooperation Network


Please visit the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée platforms for more information and updates, as well as all the Medinea series and Medinea On Air videos.